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Middle School Orchestra camp students
Liberty High School Band Director Eddie Owen
High School Speech and Debate
Liberty North High School Band plays at Kauffman
Liberty North High School Orchestra plays at Kauffman
Liberty High School JayBlues Choir trip
Liberty North High School soloist at Kauffman
Heritage Middle School Musical Singin in the Rain Jr.
Elementary Art Students showing off clay creations
Creative Arts Academy performance of Newsies
Theater Tech Students
LNHS Orchestra performs at Grand Ole Opry
LNHS Band Camp

Upcoming Events

LNHS Black Box

2024-25 Show Season

2024-2025 Show Season

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Creative Arts Academy

Creative Arts Academy


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5th Grade Orchestra

5th Grade Orchestra

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Our Three Pillars of Arts Education

Arts Integration

Arts Integration with Kuniko Yamamoto

This is a partnership between classroom teachers and specialist teachers to showcase work through an art form. Both the students and teachers are intentionally utilizing art techniques to promote a classroom standard. More than anything, it is a humanities-based approach to teaching and learning, focused on sparking creativity and innovation within the students and teachers.

Arts Education

LHS Choir performing at MMEA Conference

Arts for Art's Sake. Vital for any organization to thrive creatively. This encompasses the performing and visual art specialists: band, orchestra, choir, elementary music and art, debate, forensics (Interpretive Speech), theater, and visual arts.

Arts Enhancement

Arts Enhancement through a field trip to Black Violin

All field trips that promote arts education. These field trips are often not part of specialist programming, but are beneficial in advancing art knowledge and learning. For example, students might attend a concert with no context, conversion, or learning objective tied to it, or create posters that display their learning with no art design process behind their creation. 

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